Erasmus +

Funded by the European Union, the ERASMUS+ programme promotes the mobility abroad for:
- students during a period of mobility for studies and/or internship
- administrative staff and professors for a period of teaching or training

The environment and climate action are priorities for the EU, now and in the future. The Green Deal for Europe Communication is the new European growth strategy and recognises the key role of schools, training institutions and universities in engaging with pupils, parents and the wider community on the changes needed for a successful transition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Under the Erasmus+ 2022-2027 programme, if a participant uses an green mode of transport, such as rail, he will be eligible for additional funding. Do not hesitate to ask your Erasmus+ coordinator.
Mobility for Studies
Eligibility conditions
– Eramus+ is open to students that are enrolled in a higher education institution from Groupe IGS from the second year of studies.
– Your mobility must last between 2 to 12 months in an Erasmus+ accredited institution with which your school has signed an Erasmus+ exchange agreement.They can be identified thanks to their Erasmus+ logo on the destination sheets.
– You must obtain a minimum of 30 ECTS credits (or equivalent) during your semester.
– You must send your complete grant application before the deadline. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
– The grant allocation is subject to the decision of the Selection Committee, the available funding, your academic results, your motivation as well as your linguistic tests results.
– The number of seats per university is limited and the allocation is not automatic.
The programme member coutries are divided into three groups as follows:
Group 1: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands
Group 2: Cyprus, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic
Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
Group ICM : Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia
As an indication, the amounts set by the National Agency are about:
Group 1 : €400/month
Group 2 : €350/month
Group 3 : €350/month
Group ICM : €700 per month + a travel package that will be detailed by the Erasmus+ coordinator
The amount you will receive will stand between these estimations. The exact amount may differ according to the number of requests, so that a larger number of students can benefit from these scholarships. The amount of the Erasmus+ grant is calculated on a pro rata temporis basis of your mobility period. The dates mentioned on your acceptance letter will be used as a basis for calculation but the dates indicated on the attendance certificate (document to be handed in after your mobility – see “After the mobility” step below) will be used to calculate the final amount. Adjustments may be made.
How to apply?
– By ticking the box on your application form confirming your wish to apply for an ERASMUS+ grant.
– Once you have been selected and admitted to a partner university offering ERASMUS+ places, fill , with the help of your school or traning center, theMobility Pass for Studies.
– You will be contacted by the Erasmus+ coordinator to inform you of the procedure to follow to obtain the grant.
YourERASMUS+ coordinator remains at your disposal for any question
Certification of your academic credits
The credits for your semester abroad will be transferred upon re-integrating your school if you pass all followed courses.
Please find here all the required steps to obtain the Erasmus+ grant (students)
Once my application has been accepted and I have received my acceptance letter from my host university, I can start the Erasmus+ procedure.
1st STEP – I fill the Erasmus+ application form à travers lequel je joins les documents suivants :
- Acceptance letter from my host institution
- Completed and signed Mobility Pass for Studies
- Identity Card
- EHIC – European Health Insurance Card
- Bank account details
- My OLS test result. You will be given access by the Erasmus+ coordinator.
All documents must be sent in PDF format. Photos are not accepted and the application will be rejected.
With the OLA guide I draw up my learning agreement and have it validated by the pedagogical coordinators in my sending and receiving institutions.
Once my coordinator has received my complete file, he prepares my Erasmus+ mobility financial contract (E+ KIT PART 1) and sends it to me. A link to take my first language placement test (OLS) will be sent to my school email address.
2nd STEP – Once my coordinator has received my complete file, I come back to her with :
- Fill in, sign and return my Erasmus+ Financial Agreement (also called E+KIT PART 1). This document will be provided to me by the Erasmus+ coordinator once my application for a grant has been processed
These two steps will determine the payment of my Erasmus+ grant. I have to contact my Erasmus+ coordinator at least 30 days before the beginning of my mobility.
- I check my school mailbox to ensure a follow-up of my scholarship file with the Erasmus+ coordinator
- I inform my school and the Erasmus+ coordinator of any changes to my educational contract
I send to my Erasmus+ coordinator within 30 days after the end date of my mobility:
- The academic transcript from my host institution
- The participant’s report that I do not submit without the help of the Erasmus+ coordinator
- The completed and signed attendance certificate by the host university
Mobility for long term Internship (from 2 months)
Eligibility conditions
The programme is accessible to students enrolled in a higher educational institution in one of the programme countries. The duration of your internship must last between 2 to 12 months and the amount of your scholarship will be defined according to the duration of your internship and the destination country. Your workplace assignments should be closely linked to your study programme and they should integrate personal development needs.
You can do an internship in any company located in one of the Erasmus+ countries that are part of the programme (except EU institutions, bodies and agencies). Complete applications are processed according to the receiving of the complete application.
The allocation of the grant is not automatic and remains subject to the decision of the Selection Commitee. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
The programme member coutries are divided into three groups as follows:
Group 1: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands
Group 2: Cyprus, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic
Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
Group ICM : Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia
As an indication, the amounts set by the National Agency range as follows:
Group 1: €400/month
Group 2: €350/month
Group 3: €350/month
Groupe ICM: €700€ per month + a travel package that will be detailed by the Erasmus+ coordinator
Calculated rates for each country group will be defined to optimize usage of the available funding and according to the number of applications.
More Information:
Your ERASMUS+ coordinator remains at your disposal for any questions.
Once I have my internship agreement, I can start my Erasmus+ procedure.
1st STEP – I fill in the Erasmus+ application form and attach the following documents (this step must be completed no later than 30 days before the start date of my mobility):
- Agreement signed by all parties
- Filled Mobility Pass for Internship
- Identity Card
- EHIC – European Health Insurance Card
- Bank account details
- Civil liability
- My OLS test result. You will be given access by the Erasmus+ coordinator.
All documents must be sent in PDF format. Photos are not accepted and the application will be rejected
2nd STEP– Once my coordinator receives my complete file, I come back to her with:
- Fill in, sign and return my Erasmus+ Financial Agreement (also called E+KIT PART 1).
This document will be provided to me by the Erasmus+ coordinator once my application is launched - Fill in the general information of the learning agreement and the specific elements of my internship. Once I have my Learning Agreement completed and validated by both my home and host institutions, I return it to my Erasmus+ coordinator.
Only the version signed by all three parties will be accepted for processing my grant application. Electronic signatures are highly recommended.
These two steps will determine the payment of my Erasmus+ grant. I have to contact my Erasmus+ coordinator at least 30 days before the beginning of my mobility.
- I check my school mailbox to ensure a follow-up of my scholarship file with the Erasmus+ coordinator
- I inform my school and the Erasmus+ coordinator of any changes to my educational contract
I will send to my Erasmus+ coordinator, within 30 days after the end of my mobility (end date indicated on the certificate of attendance):
- “During the mobility” and “After the mobility” documents signed by the host organisation
- The participant’s report that I submit with the help of the Erasmus+ coordinator
- The completed and signed attendance certificate by the host institution
Mobility for short term Internship (up to 1 month)
Eligibility conditions
The programme is accessible to students enrolled in a higher educational institution in one of the programme countries. Your internship must combine both a period of virtual activity* and a physical period. The duration of your internship must last between 5 to 30 days and the amount of your scholarship will be established according to the duration of your internship.
Your workplace assignments should be closely linked to your study programme and they should integrate personal development needs. It must also be integrated into your study programme and enhanced by obtaining 3 ECTS credits. You can do an internship in any company located in one of the Erasmus+ countries that are part of the programme (except EU institutions, bodies and agencies)**.
Complete applications are processed according to the receiving date.
*Virtual activity is defined by the European Commission as an activity carried out from the sending country.
**Your internship must be validated by your training center prior to any grant application process.
The allocation of the grant is not automatic and remains subject to the decision of the Selection Commitee. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
The programme member coutries are:
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.
Students on short-term physical mobility receive €70.00 per day until the 14th day of activity and €50.00 per day between the 15th and 30th day of activity (excluding travel days). Only the period of physical activity is eligible for Erasmus+ funding.
Any additional subsidies may be granted for “support for inclusion” or “environmentally friendly travel”. Each situation will be examined individually in compliance with the rules set out by the European Commission.
More Information:
Your ERASMUS+ coordinator remains at your disposal for any questions.
Once I have my internship agreement, I can start my Erasmus+ procedure.
1st STEP – I fill in the Erasmus+ application form and attach the following documents (this step must be completed no later than 30 days before the start date of my mobility):
- Agreement signed by all parties
- Completed Mobility Pass for Internship
- Identity Card
- EHIC – European Health Insurance Card
- Bank account details
- Civil liability
- The result of my OLS test (if staying longer than 14 days). Access details will be provided by the Erasmus+ coordinator.
All documents must be sent in PDF format. Photos are not accepted and the application will be rejected
2nd STEP – Once my coordinator receives my complete file, I come back to her with:
- Fill in, sign and return my Erasmus+ Financial Contract (also called E+KIT PART 1)
This document will be provided to me by the Erasmus+ coordinator once my application is launched - Fill in the general information of the Learning Agreement and fill in the specific information of my internship. Once I have my Learning Agreement completed and validated by both my home and host institutions, I return it to my Erasmus+ coordinator. I am careful to indicate the period during which the virtual activity period will take place! Only the version signed by all three parties will be accepted for processing my grant application. Electronic signatures are highly recommended.
These two steps will determine the payment of my Erasmus+ grant. I have to contact my Erasmus+ coordinator at least 30 days before the beginning of my mobility.
- I check my sending institution mailbox to ensure a follow-up of my grant file with the Erasmus+ coordinator
- I inform my sending institution and the Erasmus+ coordinator of any changes regarding my learning agreement
I send to my Erasmus+ coordinator, within 30 days of the end of my mobility (end date indicated on the attendance certificate):
- “During the mobility” and “After the mobility” documents signed by the host organisation
- The EU survey that I do not submit without the help of the Erasmus+ coordinator
- The completed and signed attendance certificate by the host institution
Erasmus+ programme and mobility for people with disabilities
The Erasmus+ programme provides a particular attention to the welcome, orientation, technical and educational support, and especially to extra-costs related to mobility for people with disabilities. It is about doing what is necessary so that the person fully enjoys the European mobility experience.
Each higher education institution, by signing the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), commits to ensure equality of access and opportunities of mobility to all participants. Therefore, individuals with disabilities can benefit from support services that the hosting institution provides to its students and staff members.
Additional grant
To meet the specific needs of an individual with a disability during the mobility, an additional funding will facilitate his/her participation.
What are your additional needs?
The eligible costs for additional fundings can be various : specific accommodation, carer during the mobility, medical follow-up or home assistance.
Expenses for specific needs will only be covered on the basis of the actual costs estimated by the sending institution and clearly expressed by the participant.
The National Agency will only take into account additional costs which cannot be covered by other sources of funding. Each cost stated must be duly justified or it will be rejected.
How to apply?
Please contact the International Relations Office of your institution to help you fill in the application form for specific needs.
Do not hesitate to visit the website, an online mapping tool to know more about accessibility of higher education institutions provided by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN).
• Learn more with Erasmus+ testimonies:
Exchange Ability project :
Exchange Ability videos :
Erasmus Ambassadors + :
Coralie LOUP
Handicap Mission Manager
01 80 97 46 50
Handicap Mission Manager
05 31 08 70 85
Handicap Mission Manager
04 72 85 72 90 – 06 08 27 22 87
« Etre différent n’est ni une bonne, ni une mauvaise chose. Cela signifie simplement que vous êtes suffisamment courageux pour être vous -même. »
Albert Camus
Erasmus+ inclusion diversity policy
By signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, each higher education institution commits to ensuring equal access and opportunities for all participants, regardless of their background.
The Erasmus+ programme aims to promote equal opportunities and equal access, inclusion, diversity and equity throughout its actions. To implement these principles, an inclusion and diversity strategy covering all areas of the programme has been developed to support access to funding to reach more participants with fewer opportunities. Beyond Disability (see dedicated section), the following barriers to mobility have been identified and defined by the European Commission as follows:
- Health problems
- Cultural differences
- Social barriers
- Economic barriers
- Barriers linked to discrimination
- Geographical barriers
A person with fewer opportunities is a potential participant whose personal, physical, mental or health-related conditions are such that participation in the mobility project or action would not be possible without additional support (financial or otherwise).
For people with fewer opportunities, and in particular people with physical, mental or health-related problems, the grant amount may therefore be higher than the maximum amounts for individual grants indicated above.
Long-term mobility participants with fewer opportunities may receive, in addition to the Erasmus+ grant, a financial supplement of EUR 250 per month The applicable criteria are established at national level by the National Agencies in agreement with the national authorities.
Short-term mobility participants with fewer opportunities may receive, in addition to the Erasmus+ grant, a financial supplement of EUR 100 for a physical mobility activity lasting between 5 and 14 days and EUR 150 for an activity lasting between 15 and 30 days.
Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the course directors, the Hand’IGS referents and the Erasmus+ Coordinator.
For more information, please contact:
Une personne ayant moins d’opportunités est un participant potentiel dont les conditions personnelles, physiques, mentales ou liées à la santé sont telles que sa participation au projet ou à l’action de mobilité ne serait pas possible sans un soutien supplémentaire (financier ou autre). Ci-dessous les critères :
- Habitant dans une commune classée ZRR (zone de revitalisation rurale)
- Habitant à une adresse classée QPV (quartiers prioritaires de la ville)
- Boursier de l’enseignement supérieur sur critères sociaux aux échelons 6 et 7
- Appartenant à un foyer dont le quotient familial CAF est inférieur ou égal à 551€
- En situation de handicap ou d’affection de longue durée
Pour les personnes ayant moins d’opportunités, et en particulier les personnes souffrant de problèmes physiques, mentaux ou liés à la santé, le montant de la subvention peut donc être supérieur aux montants maximaux des subventions individuelles indiqués plus haut.
Les participants à une mobilité de longue durée ayant moins d’opportunités peuvent recevoir, en plus de la bourse Erasmus+, un complément financier d’un montant de 250 EUR par mois. Les critères applicables sont établis au niveau national par les agences nationales en accord avec les autorités nationales.
Les participants à une mobilité de courte durée ayant moins d’opportunités peuvent recevoir, en plus de la bourse Erasmus+ , un complément financier de 100 EUR pour une activité de mobilité physique d’une durée de 5 à 14 jours et à 150 EUR pour une activité de 15 à 30 jours.
Administrative staff and teachers mobility
Eligibility conditions
- ERASMUS+ is open to teachers and administrative staff who have a permanent or fixed-term contract with an institution of Groupe IGS (except IPI staff)
- If you are a professor, the objective of your mobility is to teach in an Erasmus+ partner institution. If you are an administrative staff member, the objective is to attend training sessions, or to complete an observation period in a university, a training center or a company in a European country. Conferences are not eligible.
- The duration of your stay must be between 2 days to 2 months maximum (excluding travel time). For a teaching mobility, the minimum number of hours to be taught is 8 hours for a mobility between 2 to 7 days. For a training mobility, the participant will have to be present in the host institution (training center, university, company, NGO…) during the whole mobility period.
- You must obtain the written agreement of your manager (email confirmation).
- The Erasmus+ mobility request must reach the Erasmus+ coordinator at least 2 months before departure
- The coordinator will send you an Erasmus+ Kit which must be returned at least 1 month before your departure. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
- The ERASMUS+ grant can be added to a CPF (compte personnel de formation)
Where can I find a staff training in Europe?
– On the plateform IMOTION:
– ESMOVIA platform : or
– Within one of our Erasmus+ partner universities
– In a language or training center, for example:
If the eligibility conditions are met and the application is complete, the grant is awarded subject to availability.
If a selection must be made, the priority will be given to first-time applicants.
As the number of grants per school is limited, the allocation is not automatic and may be partial.
The programme member coutries are divided into three groups as follows:
Group 1: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands
Group 2: Cyprus, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic
Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
Group ICM : Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia
As an indication, the amounts set by the National Agency are about:
Group 1 : €150/day
Group 2 : €133/day
Group 3 : €116/day
Groupe ICM: €190€/day
The travel rate is calculated according to the travel distance in kilometres below, established by the European Commission:
– The Erasmus+ grant will contribute to a part of the real/actual expenses generated by the mobility and validated by the expense report within the limit of the amount granted by the International Direction.
For your information, if the total of your mobility expenses is higher than the amount of the Erasmus+ Agency allocated grant, the difference will be paid by your sending institution after validation of your budget by the latter.
Please find here all the required steps to obtain the Erasmus+ grant (staff and teacher)
Please send your request to the Erasmus+ coordinator, by sending the following elements:
– Written agreement of the manager for the departure (confirmation email)
– Letter of acceptance from the Erasmus+ partner (only for teaching mobility) or invitation letter from the host institution/confirmation email
– Valid identity card or passport
– European Health Insurance Card (
– Information about the host company or institution
– The exact dates of the stay: travel dates and dates of activity on site
– Confirmation of your plane/train tickets (50€ supplement for eco-responsible travel -train, carpooling, bus-)
– Hotel reservation confirmation
Once the scholarship application is accepted, the Erasmus+ coordinator will send you the Kit mobilité for completion and signature.This document must be given to the Erasmus+ coordinator before your departure.
– During your stay, make sure to keep the following administrative documents:
- your boarding passes
- your original receipts
- your hotel/accommodation invoices on site
– Have the attendance certificate signed by the host institution.
Please send to your Erasmus+ coordinator the following documents:
- the completed and signed attendance certificate
- the table of your expense reports completed and signed with the receipts, downloadable from the Cleemy software
- the hotel and travel (plane/train) invoices
- the participant’s report which will be sent to you directly from the Erasmus+ platform, but which you will not submit without the help of the Erasmus+ coordinator
When is the grant payment made?
Payment of the scholarship is made directly to your sending institution, not to the participant.
Your ERASMUS+ coordinator remains at your disposal for any questions.