Karlshochschule International University
Karlshochschule International University is a university on a human scale. The programs are either in English or German. It works in close collaboration with local companies and the lectures aim to be professional. Even if most of the students are German, there is great diversity in terms of nationalities.
Major, Academics
Classes taught in English.
You have access to the Bachelor of Business in one of the following sectors :
– International Business
– International Marketing Management
– International Tourism Management
– Intercultural Management & Communication
– International Sustainability Management
– International Event Management
more info : https://karlshochschule.de/uploads/tx_txkhshelper/Karlshochschule_Course_Catalogue_2019_-_2020.pdf
Program for ICD-BEM students : http://karlshochschule.de/en/bachelor/studies-in-management/international-event-management/
It is possible to follow intensive German language lectures before lectures start for €200. This lecture will allow you to obtain 6 ECTS credits.
For Master students, you have access to the Master of Management.
more info : https://karlshochschule.de/en/master/masters-program/management-ma/
A non-residential campus in the city of Karlsruhe, a city very focused on culture and design, in a traditional German environment.
To discover
Alsace !
Stuttgart and Munich are respectively 80 and 200km away.
Switzerland and Luxemburg are 200 km away.
Good to know
The university can pick you up from the station on pre-established dates.
You will be entitled to a “buddy”, a university student who will accompany you in your procedures, help you all along your integration and answer all of your questions.
Plan around €150 / semester for your transportation tickets and €67.70 for a “student fee”. The cost of food is estimated at around 180 € / month by the university. Which leads to a total budget of €650-800/month.
What's going on?
Le nombre de places en Erasmus+ est limité. L’attribution de la bourse n’est donc pas automatique et le montant versé peut varier. Nous vous invitons toutefois à postuler car des places en échange (hors Erasmus+) peuvent être proposées. Merci de vous référer à la page Erasmus+.
This information is provided as a guide.
Please visit the partner university’s website to have exact updated information.
Required TOEFL score : 550
ABS: 2nd, 3rd, 4th year
ESAM : 2nd, 3rd and 4th year
IGS RH : 3rd year
ICD-BEM : 3rd year.
Documents required
CV (in English), transcript, identity document, cover letter (in English), additional documents may be required depending on destination.
Orientation : September 21-25, 2020
Lectures start : September 28, 2020
End of lectures and exams : February 1, 2021
Exams retake (if necessary) : February
Orientation : end of February
Lectures start: early March
End of lectures and exams : end of June
Exams retake (if necessary) : mid-July
more info : Academic Calendar
ID Card or passport (compulsory for destinations outside the EU) valid for six months after your return date.
Medical coverage by the European Health Insurance Card.
In an apartment – most often shared, i.e. €280 to €380 per month, and per person.
Plan around €600 – €750/month all costs included.
more info : http://karlshochschule.de/fileadmin/files/Karlshochschule-Living-in-Karlsruhe.pdf